

You can create a legacy of children growing and cooking around New Zealand for years to come and transform the health of our nation…

It doesn’t matter whether you want to give a little or a lot, all contributions make a difference. Donating a gift in your will is a great way to leave a legacy for future generations. Choosing to leave a bequest for Garden to Table helps continue the vision of empowering tamariki to grow and harvest food, having a lifelong impact on their hauora — wellbeing — and on the world around them. 

If you are interested in finding out more about leaving a gift in your will, please enter your details below for more information:

 "Garden to Table has not just impacted the 360 students in the school, it's impacted the 360 students and their whanāu and families. We've got kids going home and creating their recipes at home with their families; it's all based on real food, real produce.”

Andrew King, Oropi School Principal