Help grow seeds of knowledge

Will you help give tamariki lifelong connections to fresh kai?


One in five New Zealand children (21.3%) live in households where food runs out, and it is concerning that the number of food insecure tamariki has increased over recent years. (Annual Update of Key Results 2022/23 Annual Health Survey, Ministry of Health). 

Your donation will make an impact towards ensuring every child has nutritious food on their table. 

Garden to Table’s solution-based approach empowers this generation to grow, harvest, prepare and share their own freshly grown produce, and share these learnings with their families, communities and future generations. 

Here's how Liam shared his Garden to Table learning with his whānau.  

Being invited to the Garden to Table Pollinator Pathway event at Government House last year kickstarted a love of gardening for Liam from Island Bay Kindergarten. After the event tamariki were given seedlings to take back to their kindergarten garden and the teachers provided seeds to grow at home.  

Liam has shared all his learning about plants and pollinators with his whānau and hapori (community). He was especially proud of his sunflower and even took it for a trip to his neighbour Julie’s house so she could help him re-pot it, and Liam helped her with watering the garden.  

His Nana shared seedlings to help expand his garden and together with his mum he turned his homegrown tomato crop into pasta sauce for dinner. All with his little brother keenly observing, learning and copying along the way.  

Kindy has been such an inspiration for Liam’s garden, together with Garden to Table. Thanks to Liam’s amazing kaiako for involving him with the māra kai.’ - Liam’s Mum

Liam is only 4 years old but already has a keen awareness of where his kai comes from, how to nuture plants and pollinators and how to turn his garden abundance into delicious meals for his whānau. Imagine if all children had this knowledge. Help plant the seed today for a future of kai connectedness for our tamariki. 

The impact of your support

Today, over 300 schools across Aotearoa New Zealand are involved in Garden to Table.

That’s over 32,000 tamariki who are learning skills that will help to create food-secure futures for themselves, their families and their communities.

Your donation will empower more children to learn these skills and create lifelong connections to fresh kai.

Ngā mihi maioha - thank you for helping a child grow.

Internet banking

Please let us know about your kind donation by emailing us at We will then reply with a donation receipt (or we can post this to you, if you prefer). We are a registered charity and donations $5 and over are tax deductible. 

Bank: ASB
Name of account: Garden to Table Trust
Account number: 12-3427-0069617-00
Bank statement details: Please add the word DONATION to your particulars, followed by your surname and initials or your business name (in the code and reference fields).